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7 Steps To Avoid Moving Scams

Did you know that AARP has called America ‘a nation on the move?” Recent studies reveal that as many as 47% of Americans consider relocating when they retire. Over 35 million families a year relocate – and interstate move complaints have increased 25% in the last two years. As in a variety of scam types that we have covered on our blog – seniors are a considerable target group. In this week’s exclusive podcast of Real…

Selling Your Property To Investors With Tom Cafarella

We’ve done many shows on real estate investing strategies and dynamics.  Today Joe calls up Boston based real estate investor, Tom Cafarella, for a chat on how he is replicating his program across the country to provide sellers with the systems and tools that sell their property to investors. Specific topics include: Identifying the 10% of consumers who benefit from selling to investors Replicating Tom’s model outside Boston Why are agents the target audience? Program…

Nation’s Most Competitive Housing Market

If you had to take a guess, which cities would you say make up our nation’s most competitive housing market? It shouldn’t be surprising that the top three of the top ten markets are located in Silicon Valley. Today Joe looks at components that make Silicon Valley a hot spot for real estate such as our proximity to other beautiful destinations coupled with a thriving, high-tech business market and land which is completely developed. Buyers…

Real Estate Investments – Ideas And Opportunities

It’s pretty clear there is a lot of interest in real estate investing. Real estate is a $40+ trillion market and will continue to be in demand as long as we have a need for housing and work. Today Joe shares investing ideas and opportunities you may or may not know about in both commercial and residential markets. Ideas, opportunities and strategies covered include: Primary residence as your first purchase Long term investment properties Why…

International Buyers: Where, How & Why?

Today’s podcast is dedicated to international real estate for two very relevant reasons: #1 – The growing and continued trend of the globalization of real estate, and #2 – Bobbi just received her official certification as a Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) Instructor! Since she is now fully vetted to share her expertise of the international real estate market with agents around the country – we figured our loyal listeners would appreciate the opportunity to take a lesson…

What’s Driving The Housing Shortage?

We’ve said it before that technology is changing the dynamic of every single industry and real estate is not exempt from this trend; but when you really look around trends everywhere are changing. Sometimes we believe things will reverse and return to normal (i.e. inventory will increase after the Super Bowl or when the weather gets better) but so far these trends have not proved true.  Today Joe addresses dynamics behind the Bay Area’s housing…

Reverse Mortgages With Bill Benson

One thing many Bay Area seniors have working to their advantage right now is incredible amounts of equity. Joe sits down with reverse mortgage specialist, Bill Benson, to show us the ins and outs of a reverse mortgage that make retirement more comfortable for our seniors. Is the Bay Area ripe for the reverse mortgage to become a prefect option? Today’s topics include: Reverse mortgage requirements and process Negative stigmas? Are reverse mortgages still seen…

Condos as an Option or an Alternative

When dealing in low inventory markets sometimes you need to start looking at Plan B’s and even C’s. Today Joe and Mike look at the current state of the market and discuss alternative options if the single family home you want is just not available. What are the biggest pros and cons of condo HOA’s?  Joe explains difficulties financing these single family alternatives. They also talk about where to look for the condo that best…

Trusts Simplified Part II- The Two Types of Trusts

If you stopped by our blog last week, than you know that we tackled the territory of trusts with the simplest and clearest definition that we’ve presented over the years. Our expert guest & Legal Document Assistant (Independent Paralegal) Philip E. Holsworth distinctly revealed the differences you wanted and needed to know about wills and trusts. In this week’s exclusive online podcast release, Phil returns to take the discussion one step further and explore revocable…