Financial Trends And Flip Opportunities With Your Investment Accounts
Sometimes it doesn’t really matter how much money you have. If you make great money but don’t invest it appropriately, you’re not really prepared for the future/retirement/getting the most out of your money. Today Mike chats with Northwestern Mutual Financial Advisor, Zach Mattos, about creating a solid financial plan using your real estate. Specific topics include:
- Trends in financial advising such as early withdrawal penalties and RMD’s (required minimum distributions)
- Post-election stock market response and behavioral investment mistakes
- Using and leveraging potential investment accounts for real estate
- Potential developer flip opportunities with your investment accounts
To contact Mike D’Ambrosio you can visit his website at, email him at or call at (408) 630-0101. We also provide additional information to help you make smart decisions in and around your real estate venture.
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