Posts Tagged ‘of’
RERL-1704-Bundle Select, Employee Real Estate Platform
Your wallet is under attack! There is a lot of noise out there with advertisers constantly jockeying for your attention that it can be downright tiresome before you even head home for the couch. Here on RERL you won’t find us selling you the latest craze, we believe in educating you on products and programs…
Read MoreRERL-1702- Growing Your Business –Compliance With Laws Part 5
If you’re running a business, you have to view the business as a separate entity and a new legal being. Whether you work with a partner or are venturing out solo, you will most likely be advised to form an LLC (Limited Liability Company). Forming an LLC is a relatively inexpensive process, but there is…
Read MoreRERL-1701-Two Italian Guys Talking Real Estate – Out Of State Investing Part 2
Out of state investing continues to be a hot topic in states where home prices are high and cash flow is limited. Looking at properties out of state is the more logical choice for consumers looking to build a diversified portfolio with real estate. Today Joe and Mike cover a checklist to guide investors through…
Read MoreRERL-1698-Two Italian Guys Talking Real Estate-Preparing For The 2020 Housing Market
A new year has always meant a new market, and not to say we told you so, but there is always the possibility of the market reverting back to a strong sellers market. Inventory right now is incredibly low and offers are starting to flow in on whatever’s available. Are buyers in for another tough…
Read MoreRERL-1697-Growing Your Business-Compliance With Laws Part 4
At its center, a business has its employees and their consumers, and each of these have their own contract with the company. What many people don’t realize is a lot of business choices that are made based on those contracts as well as the latest state and federal laws that impact those contracts. California continues…
Read MoreRERL-1695-Compliance With New Laws Part 3
Two of the hottest news stories right now revolve around Donald Trump’s impeachment trial and Harvey Weinstein’s sex crimes trial. What both of these trials have in common is they both center around one person abusing their power to get what they want. While the crimes themselves are not up for debate on this podcast,…
Read MoreRERL-1695-Compliance With New Laws Part 3
Two of the hottest news stories right now revolve around Donald Trump’s impeachment trial and Harvey Weinstein’s sex crimes trial. What both of these trials have in common is they both center around one person abusing their power to get what they want. While the crimes themselves are not up for debate on this podcast,…
Read MoreRERL-1693-Market Alert!
Here we are, just kicking off 2020, rates are near record lows and it’s a great time to be a buyer. Not so long ago opportunities to purchase a home in the Bay Area were scare, and while you couldn’t say we have a glut of homes for sale today, the market has flattened to…
Read MoreRERL-1691- Two Italian Guys Talking Real Estate- 2020 Predictions
With the New Year being so young, people are making big plans and setting new goals for their future. For many of us moving up, buying that rental property or taking that big step into home ownership is our main priority following a tame 2019. No one can predict the future, but looking to a…
Read MoreRERL-1687- Leaving The Bay Area
The last 4-5 years your typical client is moving out of the Bay Area, heading to areas of California where real estate is cheaper or leaving the state altogether. Many people are fortunate to work for a company that helps them with this move, assisting with everything from sale to purchase and even helping with…
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