Posts Tagged ‘value’
RERL-1731-The Future of Real Estate Investing – Part 3
“Why am I living in California if most of my investments are outside of the state?” Talking to people, there is a scary amount of people seriously considering leaving California in the near future for a multitude of reasons. With more companies issuing remote policies, the list of reasons to stay are dwindling and the…
Read MoreRERL-1731-The Future of Real Estate Investing – Part 3
“Why am I living in California if most of my investments are outside of the state?” Talking to people, there is a scary amount of people seriously considering leaving California in the near future for a multitude of reasons. With more companies issuing remote policies, the list of reasons to stay are dwindling and the…
Read MoreRERL-1595-Accessing Home Wealth Without Debt
Over the last 10 years home prices have escalated incredibly which means homeowners have seen a dramatic increase in their homes equity. In fact surveys suggest that homeowners may have 70% or more of their entire wealth tied up in their home. Having a majority of your wealth in one illiquid asset can be a…
Read MoreRERL-1590- Two Italian Guys Talkin Real Estate- Planning For 2019 For Buyers & Sellers
Am I positioned correctly? Should I get preapproved now? What else should I be doing now? Buyers and sellers have a lot to think about with 2018 coming to a close and the market looking much different from previous years. A changing market will not only require buyers and sellers to come up with new…
Read MoreRERL-1539-Buyers get out there! & Zillow’s now in the mortgage business…so what!
“Opportunity is out there if you’re a buyer.” That’s one sentence Bay Area buyers haven’t heard in years since sellers got everything they wanted and more. Buyers can get more creative crafting an offer that favors their wallet and timeline while sellers need to start getting more realistic. So get out there before the market…
Read MoreIs It Too Late To Refinance & Why Not To Worry If You Finance Over $750,000
Rates just crept up above 4% in a trend that will most likely continue this year. A rising rate environment doesn’t mean you missed your chance to refinance your mortgage. What it does mean is its time to review your mortgage review to see if you have the right mortgage for you. In the first…
Read MoreUnderstanding Your Contract And Avoiding Mistakes With Attorney Dean Rossi
Making a transaction requires a LOT of confusing paperwork and a $1.2 million purchase is something you’re going to want to know every detail about. Joe brings attorney Dean Rossi and his 20 years of specializing in real estate and business litigation into the studio. During today’s show Dean will spotlight major mistakes that can…
Read MoreThe Art Of Home Appraisals
Joining Joe in studio today is licensed appraiser John Montgomery of Montgomery Appraisal to talk about what he knows best. Contrary to popular belief appraising is more an art form than a formula. Before you sell, buy or refinance your home the bank or lender is going to require an appraisal, which is where John…
Read MoreFinding Investing Success In Multifamily Real Estate
If you had to ask a majority of the phone calls and emails we receive are usually from someone with a genuine interest in real estate investing and not a lot of knowhow. If you find yourself in that group then Joe’s guest today is someone who can really help you out: Tyler Sheff, founder…
Read MoreThe Ins and Outs of FSBO – A Good Idea or Just a Mess?
You hear a lot of people talk about it and it seems like a pretty good deal. A little extra work now and you can sell your home with zero commission fees. However, today’s podcast may have you thinking twice before pulling the trigger to go solo. Today Joe and Mike walk you through the…
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