Posts Tagged ‘trends’
RERL-1725-Growing Your Business-Best and Worse Case Scenarios!
When it comes to reopening your business, you plan for best and worst case scenarios and usually you end up somewhere in between. More business owners are asking how they should think going forward and the answer may be as easy as SWOT. Analyzing your internal strengths and weaknesses and your external opportunities and threats…
Read MoreRERL-1689-Reviewing 2019 and Forecasting for 2020 – John Faylor
2019 is drawing to a close, but before we officially cross over into the New Year it’s time we take a look at what happened to the real estate market this year and chat about what will happen in 2020. John Faylor joins Joe today for more for more insight on Silicon Valley’s market. Topics…
Read MoreRERL-1689-Reviewing 2019 and Forecasting for 2020 – John Faylor
2019 is drawing to a close, but before we officially cross over into the New Year it’s time we take a look at what happened to the real estate market this year and chat about what will happen in 2020. John Faylor joins Joe today for more for more insight on Silicon Valley’s market. Topics…
Read MoreRERL-1675- Market Update – Three things to consider now!
Is today the best time to buy? It is certainly an arguable point considering that the last 5 years buyers seemingly had no hope in an aggressive buyers market. The good news for buyers is that things have settled down and sellers are no longer beating up buyers just looking for a way in. Before…
Read MoreRERL-1548- Buyer’s, Seller’s, and Technology
What’s going in the marketplace? Ask anyone what they think and you’ll hear everything from “the market will swing to a buyer’s market” to “we are heading for another strong sellers market”. You’ll also hear about how technology can never have a true place in the market or how technology is bound to take over…
Read MoreRERL-1522-Jason Hartman – Real Estate Investment Expert
Today’s guest might be known for being an expert in real estate investments, but he can also boast his expertise when it comes to the market and tax issues. Joe call up real estate investment expert, Jason Hartman, for a complete breakdown of real estate investing and the new tax issues that go with it.…
Read MoreDirty Secrets Of Real Estate – Part 4
In today’s installment of Dirty Secrets Joe gets into more detail about the three main components of your real estate transaction: real estate, lending and title and escrow. Big changes are taking place in each of these areas that not only consumers need to be aware of, but industry professionals who don’t want to get…
Read MoreHow to Select a Property Manager with Linda Liberatore
Question: who is protecting and managing your investment property? It’s actually one of the most important questions you can ask if you are already or interested in investing. Joe’s guest today is Founder and President of My Landlord Helper, Linda Liberatore, whose company is geared toward helping DIY landlords looking to build wealth. First off…
Read MoreWhere Millennials Are Buying Homes
Good news for Baby Boomers, the kids are finally moving out into their own place settling down. The bad news for Bay Area Millennials is that there are practically zero homes on the market. With those two bits of information you may be wondering “where are millennials settling down?” Today Joe and Mike break down…
Read MorePavers Over Concrete For Your Next Outdoor Living Project
Joining Mike and Laura in studio today is Scott Isserson, the Senior Design Consultant for System Pavers. System Pavers is not only one of the largest home improvement companies, they’re the #1 paving stone company in America that does outdoor living projects designed around their clients. Also in discussion: Laura’s experience with System Pavers Concrete…
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