Posts Tagged ‘underwriter’
RERL-1774 –Why right now is the best time to buy!
Rolling into a new quarter means new changes are happening in the real estate market. Interest rates are finally starting to trend down after 2-3 years of rate hikes and it’s likely that this summer the Bay Area will see more transactions now that the worst of covid seems to be over. Listen in as…
Read MoreRERL-1774 –Why right now is the best time to buy!
Rolling into a new quarter means new changes are happening in the real estate market. Interest rates are finally starting to trend down after 2-3 years of rate hikes and it’s likely that this summer the Bay Area will see more transactions now that the worst of covid seems to be over. Listen in as…
Read MoreRERL-1510-Disrupting The Life Insurance Industry with Harry Grundmann
These days it seems just about every industry is facing major disruption and your life insurance is not excluded. No matter what age you are there is a better insurance for you, even if that means refinancing your insurance or changing plans altogether. Today Joe meets founder, Harry Grundmann, who is taking a whole…
Read MoreRealty Mogul: Crowdfunding For Real Estate
Looking at the market it’s pretty easy to get excited about the idea of investing in real estate. However, one look at the price tag on a single piece of property is enough to diminish your investment property enthusiasm. So is there a more affordable option for investing in real estate? Today Mike chats with…
Read MoreFinancial Trends And Flip Opportunities With Your Investment Accounts
Sometimes it doesn’t really matter how much money you have. If you make great money but don’t invest it appropriately, you’re not really prepared for the future/retirement/getting the most out of your money. Today Mike chats with Northwestern Mutual Financial Advisor, Zach Mattos, about creating a solid financial plan using your real estate. Specific topics…
Read MoreHelpful Real Estate Do’s & Don’ts
Let’s face it – sometimes the rules for success in real estate seem as clear as mud! With changing industry regulations, increasing competition, decreasing affordability and unpredictably volatile rates – you may feel like the guidelines of the game create more chaos than clarity. The goods news is…that’s why we are here! In this Friday’s…
Read More[PODCAST] Learn the Difference Between Pre-Qualification vs. Pre-Approval
With the Super Bowl coming up this weekend buyers are waiting for increased inventory. This means it’s time for Joe to educate buyers on coming prepared with a quality pre-approval and the difference between being pre-qualified and pre-approved. This podcast isn’t just for buyers though; realtors need to be prepared and know what they should…
Read MoreHow to Best Prepare For Financing When Refinancing and Purchasing
Financing has changed drastically since the mortgage meltdown and consumers usually end up facing a lot of frustration. Today, Host Joe Cucchiara looks to relieve some of that frustration by explaining how to prepare for your homes purchase or refinance. New levels for standard conforming, high balance and jumbo loans took effect this January so…
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