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RERL-1786 –DSCR Loans Explained

RERL-1786 –DSCR Loans Explained

With interest rates hovering around 7%, this is the worst time to purchase an investment property, right? Of course not! Investors are hyper focusing on interest rates when they should be focusing on opportunity and timing. What makes debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) loans exciting is how they act like commercial loans where the purchaser…

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RERL-1786 –DSCR Loans Explained

With interest rates hovering around 7%, this is the worst time to purchase an investment property, right? Of course not! Investors are hyper focusing on interest rates when they should be focusing on opportunity and timing. What makes debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) loans exciting is how they act like commercial loans where the purchaser…

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RERL-1711- Market Update and Effects of COVID-19

It’s time for another round of COVID related market updates. There are all kinds of things affecting the market day to day and people need to know what interest rates are doing and what the buyer and seller markets are like. Getting prepared now can make a huge difference for the day when you want…

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