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How to Select a Property Manager with Linda Liberatore

Question: who is protecting and managing your investment property? It’s actually one of the most important questions you can ask if you are already or interested in investing. Joe’s guest today is Founder and President of My Landlord Helper, Linda Liberatore, whose company is geared toward helping DIY landlords looking to build wealth. First off Linda will cover trends in the rental and investment market touching on hot spots for single and multi family homes…

[podcast] Solutions and Alternatives to Buying In the Bay Area

Last week Joe and Mike sat down and discussed the challenges of financing and purchasing in the Bay Area; a concerning problem for first time home buyers and anyone not working in high-end tech. Today our hosts are focusing on the community’s needs by looking at creative purchasing ideas and other things you can do in the Bay Area. Can you come up with any original or alternative solutions? Specific topics include: How bad are…

Deferred Maintenance with Tim Denner

A lot of times you may see a problem around your house and think “It doesn’t look that bad. This can wait a bit.” The truth is damage can hide around your home and you might even have to open a wall to find out what is really going on. Today Mike is joined by Tim “the termite guy” Denner from Taps Termites to figure out the true costs of deferring maintenance. Specific topics include:…

Residential Home Styles – Part 2

While the kids may be out of school and sitting by the pool, there is no summer slump in real estate! Today, our Real Estate Radio LIVE team continues the engaging and educational discussion that we started last week on residential home styles. (Be sure to check out this week’s blog as your complete reference guide!). With over 35 different home types making their mark across time, space and style – there is no way one show (or even two!) that…

Avoiding and Solving Real Estate Disputes

No matter how necessary they may be legal matters are never fun to deal with. Joining Joe in studio today is Real Estate Attorney Jeffrey Hare, who will not only talk to us about solving disputes centered around real estate, but how you can prevent issues from happening in the first place. At the top of the show Jeffrey and Joe discuss the effects Google could have on San Jose real estate even if their…

Financial Transformations and Financial Freedom with Damion Lupo

Let’s face it; you can’t really enjoy the benefits of life when you don’t know how to manage your money properly. Living in an age where so much information is available it can be hard to know which investment options you should be investing in. In today’s podcast Joe calls up financial transformation expert and Founder of Total Control Financial, Damion Lupo, who knows that the key to financial freedom lies in confidence. So before…

Where Millennials Are Buying Homes

Good news for Baby Boomers, the kids are finally moving out into their own place settling down. The bad news for Bay Area Millennials is that there are practically zero homes on the market. With those two bits of information you may be wondering “where are millennials settling down?” Today Joe and Mike break down the newest wave of millennial buying habits, locations and trends while also trying to figure out a few alternative solutions…

Key Tips To Developing Real Estate

Mike and Laura kick off this week with a topic that we haven’t really discussed before on RERL….development. Intero Development Group helps Silicon Valley developers list, market and sell their projects as construction comes to an end. So what exactly is going on around Silicon Valley right now? Listen in and find out about: Redeveloping to make the best use of expansive property Taxes, zoning, and the city’s general plan Architects, investors and other people…

Residential Building Styles –Part 1

Let’s face it: is your favorite part of real estate building wealth, creating memories OR appreciating aesthetic appeal! If you’re a fan of the latter (the seriously fun part!)… did you know that there are 35 different home styles in the United States alone?! Chances are you have heard of bungalows and ranch styles – but do you know what really differentiates them and who defined them?! Join us for a virtual trip across the worlds of history, art, architecture and lifestyle as we present…

[podcast] Dirty Secrets Of Real Estate – Part 3

When you’re working with an industry that reinvests less than .5% of their revenue in customer care, can you really say your experience has changed for the better in the last 5 years? In this episode of Dirty Secrets, Joe continues to explain what the real estate transaction should look like now and in the future as consumers take more control in the market place. Today Joe has 3 big questions for you: How do…