Avoiding and Solving Real Estate Disputes
No matter how necessary they may be legal matters are never fun to deal with. Joining Joe in studio today is Real Estate Attorney Jeffrey Hare, who will not only talk to us about solving disputes centered around real estate, but how you can prevent issues from happening in the first place. At the top of the show Jeffrey and Joe discuss the effects Google could have on San Jose real estate even if their new complex never comes to fruition. Also in discussion:
- The millennials delayed market entry, buyers ignoring disclosure documents and other issues to be aware of in today’s market
- Legal ramifications agents may not be aware of
- Mistakes buyers make in their haste to buy a home such as non-contingent offers and ignoring reports
- Classic ways buyers and sellers have found themselves in trouble
- Why consumers should consult with an attorney before making a big decision
- What can buyers do to protect themselves
If you wish to contact Joe Cucchiara email him at Joe@RERadioLive.com, call (408) 838-9060 or simply visit www.RERadioLive.com. We also provide additional information to help you make smart decisions in and around your real estate venture.
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