Rent at an All Time High: What are Your Options?
The number one reason a property sits is usually due to a pricing issues. Today Joe and Mike explain how buyers can make this part of a useful strategy if the seller is itching to get out of their home and cant. They discuss why expensive price tags are not the only reason the luxury market is experiencing a price reduction. Joe and Mike also take a look at the renters market which has been hitting all-time highs that haven’t been seen since the 1960’s. Specific topics include:
- Why the rental market is hitting highs
- What renters can do if they’re thinking about buying
- Lenders increasing their debt-to-income ratio
- Helping renters into home ownership
To contact Mike D’Ambrosio you can visit his website at, email him at or call at (408) 630-0101.
If you wish to contact Joe Cucchiara email him at, call (408) 838-9060 or simply visit We also provide additional information to help you make smart decisions in and around your real estate venture.