Posts Tagged ‘dti’
RERL-1517- Do Consumers Care About Wells Fargo’s Reputation? & New Loan Programs Being Introduced
We are all very aware that Wells Fargo has fallen on some tough times when it comes to consumer complaints. Lawsuits are piling up as the company gets caught with false accounts, mortgage fees and more. Today Joe looks back at the problems plaguing Wells Fargo and questions if they change the way you do…
Read MoreRERL-1490-How to Increase Your Home Purchasing Power and Secure a Lower Interest Rate
There is so much noise out there in the market that it can be difficult to find information with value. Too often we seem to hear how tough the market is with no real solution being offered. So how do we arm ourselves with the tools to solve these problems? Today Joe offers solutions to…
Read MoreRent at an All Time High: What are Your Options?
The number one reason a property sits is usually due to a pricing issues. Today Joe and Mike explain how buyers can make this part of a useful strategy if the seller is itching to get out of their home and cant. They discuss why expensive price tags are not the only reason the luxury…
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