Posts Tagged ‘update’
RERL-1767- Market Update – Joe’s Back!
We’re back! The world may seem like it’s getting back to normal, but the real estate market is still changing rapidly. In about a month, interest rates jumped from 3% to 6% and ending the years of all-time low interest rates. Living in Silicon Valley, it’s hard to believe that anything could touch our real…
Read MoreRERL-1767- Market Update – Joe’s Back!
We’re back! The world may seem like it’s getting back to normal, but the real estate market is still changing rapidly. In about a month, interest rates jumped from 3% to 6% and ending the years of all-time low interest rates. Living in Silicon Valley, it’s hard to believe that anything could touch our real…
Read MoreRERL-1732-Market Update
It’s been quite some time since covid -19 effectively shut down the economy, and a surprising number of markets and industries are thriving despite the grim expectations. When life becomes more unpredictable than normal, the only weapon consumers really have is knowledge that hopefully comes from a reliable source. Today Joe and Mike take a…
Read MoreRERL-1732-Market Update
It’s been quite some time since covid -19 effectively shut down the economy, and a surprising number of markets and industries are thriving despite the grim expectations. When life becomes more unpredictable than normal, the only weapon consumers really have is knowledge that hopefully comes from a reliable source. Today Joe and Mike take a…
Read MoreRERL-1726-Lending and Real Estate Update
Interest rates are near all time lows, hovering around the mid to high 2’s depending on your loan amount, credit score, etc. While still low, many quotes you receive can be misleading, oftentimes costing you more money than you’ll save. Fortunately, the easiest way to figure out if a lender is a legitimate professional or…
Read MoreRERL-1726-Lending and Real Estate Update
Interest rates are near all time lows, hovering around the mid to high 2’s depending on your loan amount, credit score, etc. While still low, many quotes you receive can be misleading, oftentimes costing you more money than you’ll save. Fortunately, the easiest way to figure out if a lender is a legitimate professional or…
Read MoreRERL-1716- Silicon Valley Real Estate Market Update
Normally by now we are entering the thick of the buying and selling season and keeping a watchful eye on the market. Due to the current environment, many of us are only just beginning to settle back into something resembling normal life. You’ve likely seen more Sale Pending signs around the neighborhood, but what does…
Read MoreRERL-1716- Silicon Valley Real Estate Market Update
Normally by now we are entering the thick of the buying and selling season and keeping a watchful eye on the market. Due to the current environment, many of us are only just beginning to settle back into something resembling normal life. You’ve likely seen more Sale Pending signs around the neighborhood, but what does…
Read MoreRERL-1703-Two Italian Guys Talking Real Estate-How Coronavirus Affects Real Estate And Lending
Coronavirus is spreading rapidly and keeping more consumers inside their homes, but you wouldn’t know it looking at the Bay Area’s housing market. Most listings are generating a lot of activity and more homes are slowly coming onto the market. Right now interest rates are the hitting historic lows, which doesn’t necessarily mean low mortgage…
Read MoreRERL-1698-Two Italian Guys Talking Real Estate-Preparing For The 2020 Housing Market
A new year has always meant a new market, and not to say we told you so, but there is always the possibility of the market reverting back to a strong sellers market. Inventory right now is incredibly low and offers are starting to flow in on whatever’s available. Are buyers in for another tough…
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