The Sandwich Generation: Driving Real Estate In Unexpected Ways
If you thought being a ‘tween’ was tough – try being part of the Sandwich Generation! Also known as the ‘Younger Boomers’, this often-overlooked but increasingly impactful age group is changing the real estate landscape in unexpected ways – and today is your chance to find out how and why!
Listen in to our latest podcast as Joe, Buddy and Bobbi share a lot of data (with a little fun!) as they talk about what happens when you are literallystuck in the middle. Between raising kids and caring for aging parents, the Sandwich Generation is shaping multi-generational housing trends and representing the nation’s highest median incomes. We’ll take you through what this means with regards to:
| Financing as a ‘Younger Boomer’
| The home selection process, location and timeline indicators
|How multi-generational homes look & feel today
| The 4-generation household (Club Sandwich)
All our best for a safe and meaningful Memorial Day Weekend!
Be sure to check out our website for additional resources, exquisite properties and more at To reach Bobbi directly call (650) 346-5352 or email her at
If you wish to contact Joe Cucchiara email him at, call (408) 838-9060 or simply visit We also provide additional information to help you make smart decisions in and around your real estate venture.