Joe chats with Angelo Gallo and Julio Anchante of Century 21 M&M and Associates
In studio with Joe today is Bay Area Sales Manager, Angelo Gallo and Regional Vice President, Julio Anchante from Century 21 M&M and Associates. After our “getting to know you” phase Joe will have our guests tell us about the tremendous amounts of growth M&M has achieved since starting in 1994 with just two agents. They also provide us with a market update on Santa Clara County and which areas are finally starting to become more affordable. Also in discussion:
- When will the housing crisis come to an end
- Inventory across Northern California and Bay Area migration
- Predicting the 2018 market
- Our upcoming event with a very special guest
- Disruption in the industry- who stands to compete and how do you compete
- Key things Century 21 M&M are focusing on
If you wish to contact Joe Cucchiara email him at, call (408) 838-9060 or simply visit We also provide additional information to help you make smart decisions in and around your real estate venture.
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