Helpful Real Estate Do’s & Don’ts
Let’s face it – sometimes the rules for success in real estate seem as clear as mud! With changing industry regulations, increasing competition, decreasing affordability and unpredictably volatile rates – you may feel like the guidelines of the game create more chaos than clarity. The goods news is…that’s why we are here! In this Friday’s podcast, Joe and I will take our gazillion years of experience plus the current market conditions and give you a simple playbook for buyer and seller success today. We call it our most ‘Helpful Real Estate Do’s & Don’ts’.
Topics Include:
- The 5 most common things which can sabotage your home loan (refinances and purchases too!).
- The buyer bewares…that actually happen everyday.
- The seller actions that can cause big problems (when you are in escrow social media is NOT your friend).
Listen to our exclusive online podcast below. We think you’ll find these do’s and don’ts provide everything you want and need to know to achieve a WIN in real estate today!