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RERL-1790- Fed cuts again, Consumer debt at an all-time high!

RERL-1767- Market Update – Joe’s Back!

We’re back! The world may seem like it’s getting back to normal, but the real estate market is still changing rapidly. In about a month, interest rates jumped from 3% to 6% and ending the years of all-time low interest rates. Living in Silicon Valley, it’s hard to believe that anything could touch our real…

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RERL-1767- Market Update – Joe’s Back!

We’re back! The world may seem like it’s getting back to normal, but the real estate market is still changing rapidly. In about a month, interest rates jumped from 3% to 6% and ending the years of all-time low interest rates. Living in Silicon Valley, it’s hard to believe that anything could touch our real…

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RERL-1765- Secure the cheap money while it lasts!

Paying off the mortgage early is that goal all homeowners work towards – and why wouldn’t you? Any form of debt is bad and you’re just throwing away money in the form of interest. Well, mortgage rates are crazy low right now with some rates below 3%, but with inflation pressing upon us those rates…

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RERL-1765- Secure the cheap money while it lasts!

Paying off the mortgage early is that goal all homeowners work towards – and why wouldn’t you? Any form of debt is bad and you’re just throwing away money in the form of interest. Well, mortgage rates are crazy low right now with some rates below 3%, but with inflation pressing upon us those rates…

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RERL-1732-Market Update

It’s been quite some time since covid -19 effectively shut down the economy, and a surprising number of markets and industries are thriving despite the grim expectations. When life becomes more unpredictable than normal, the only weapon consumers really have is knowledge that hopefully comes from a reliable source. Today Joe and Mike take a…

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