What To Expect When You’re Listing, Selling, Buying And Getting Financing
If there is one thing we can’t stress enough it would be to always work with the professional that makes you comfortable with your real estate decisions. It may sound obvious enough until that first interview with a lender or agent where you find yourself completely unprepared. Whether you’re buying, selling or getting financing there’s no need to fear, today Joe and Mike explain questions you should be asking and what to expect from your realtor and lender along the way. Specific topics include:
- What to look for in the listing presentation
- The prep phase and getting your home onto the market
- The buyer presentation
- What real pre-approval looks like
- Can multiple lenders negatively affect your credit report?
To contact Mike D’Ambrosio you can visit his website at www.MikeDSells.com, email him at Mike@MikeDSells.com or call at (408) 630-0101.
If you wish to contact Joe Cucchiara email him at Joe@RERadioLive.com, call (408) 838-9060 or simply visit www.RERadioLive.com. We also provide additional information to help you make smart decisions in and around your real estate venture.