SCC Assessor Larry Stone Drops By With More Information On Our Economy
Joining Joe today is RERL’s good friend and Santa Clara County Assessor, Larry Stone. As always, Larry brings with him all the data we need to truly to understand where our economy currently sits and what direction we are heading. First off Joe asks Larry to give us a State of the Union type of address on single family residence, apartments and other property types. He also addresses signs that we could finally be seeing the end of sellers trying to sell at the top of the market. Other topics include:
- Tech market softening vs. warehouse and industrial stabilization
- Online vs. in-store retail numbers
- Job displacement through automation
- Assessing property tax variables by county
- What causes property tax to rise or fall?
- Is San Jose’s new secondary unit ruling good for our economy?
If you wish to contact Joe Cucchiara email him at, call (408) 838-9060 or simply visit We also provide additional information to help you make smart decisions in and around your real estate venture.
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