Where Does The Money Live: You Might Be Surprised (Find Out Friday Afternoon!)
It’s no secret that Silicon Valley is very wealthy. With both global recognition and statewide reputation, we rank very high across the nation in income per capita and many other factors. That being said, you may be surprised at some other zip codes in the US that (dare we say!) rank higher than our beloved northern California. It’s true – wealth can appear in the most surprising of places, and this Friday’s edition of Real Estate Radio LIVE will tell you all about it! Tune in December 18th from 3-4pm PST to AM 1220 KDOW as Bobbi & team take you through the United States and where the money lives. Of course, we will share where the wealth lies here in our own backyard too!
Tune in Friday afternoon from 3-4pm PST on AM 1220 KDOW. Call 1.800.516.1220 with your questions during the show.