Friday On Real Estate Radio LIVE ~ Your Home’s Perfect Pet!
There are many things that make a house truly feel like home. As an animal lover myself…I can tell you pets really are creatures of comfort to those around them. But when it comes to selecting a companion…is there a purr-fect match? Can bringing home the wrong fit ruffle a few feathers?! It is largely up to you. Whether you live in an apartment, a condominium or a single family home with a yard, how do you go about looking for that special addition to your family? Carefully is the word. What looks good in your mind’s eye may end up being a big mistake for all the creatures involved – including you. Tune into Real Estate Radio LIVE Friday afternoon as we welcome Scott Delucchi, Senior Vice President, Community Relations at the Peninsula Humane Society, to offer up a number of insights and some surprising answers regarding pet selection. Turn that dial to AM 1220 KDOW or listen streaming online at on FRIDAY from 3-4pm PST.
Bobbi, Buddy & Scott will discuss why it is so important to study up on the type of pet you might be interested in bringing home. Their temperament, space requirements, feeding needs, health issues, short and long term and basic nature should all be considered. There is no substitute for knowledge. It makes for a happier home for all in the long run. If you’ve got questions…be sure to text Bobbi during the show – 650.346.5352, or call 1.800.516.1220.
Honey here looks like she is all ready to listen in…and we hope you are too! Tune in this Friday from 3-4pm PST on AM 1220 KDOW, The Wall Street Business Network.