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Join Host Joe Cucchiara & NEW Guest Matt Regan, The Bay Area Council: An Afternoon Of Local Growing Pains & Intentional Solutions

Join Host Joe Cucchiara & NEW Guest Matt Regan, The Bay Area Council: An Afternoon Of Local Growing Pains & Intentional Solutions

It’s no secret that there is an unprecedented housing crisis in the Bay Area. It’s also probably not a total shock that the Bay Area economy is literally carrying the rest of the state, and arguably the nation. Combined with an amount of job growth that was vastly under-predicted, a lack of overall planning and large local unwillingness to permit housing…the result is growing pains and quality of life issues that make it hard to attract employee talent, and harder to keep. Amidst this mix of good, bad and ugly…there is a dedicated, educated and passionate organization that works on these issues – and much more – everyday. Today, we are pleased to welcome Matt Regan, Senior Vice President of Government Relations for the Bay Area Council. Matt will share current issues of local interest that make a regional and national impact, including housing supply, transportation needs, water security and employee retention…today at 3pm PST on AM 1220 KDOW!

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You may at first be confused by the combination of issues and challenges above…how is job growth ever a bad thing? Is it really that hard to issue housing permits? What’s wrong with being the driving force of the local and national economy? In some ways, this is all true – and it sounds on the surface like a great problem to have. But Host Joe Cucchiara will ask our expert guest Matt Regan to share how such unpredicted growth and unseen lack of affordable housing (or any housing!) can make the positive economic impact difficult to sustain. Where will all of the new enployees live? How will they commute each day? How long can they afford to stay here?

As someone who not only recognizes the problems, but works diligently at finding and implementing solutions…Matt is prepared to give our listening audience some key insights. He will be discussing:

  • The distribution of the population across the state, and the uneven distribution of state income taxes paid to state coffers.
  • How we can and should address the two largest areas of concern today: water & housing. (We can’t make it rain…but we should be able to build houses!)
  • How job growth was predicted at 160,000 new jobs, and how the result of 460,000 new jobs created an instant housing crisis.
  • How workers have devised their own housing solutions…many moving to the Central Valley and forcing themselves into long, expensive commutes.
  • If we do not find a way to accommodate growth in our region…how will the quality of life and the environmental impact continue to decline? Worse yet…how will the profitable technology firms respond and where will they go?

Meet Matt and hear some insightful perspectives on our local economy today from 3-4pm PST on AM 1220 KDOW. Call Matt during the show at 1.800.516.1220, or text your questions to 408.838.9060, anytime!

Be sure to learn more about the Bay Area Council’s advocacy and initiatives by visiting:

Matt Regan | Senior Vice President Government Relations | BAYAREA COUNCIL

Matt Regan | Senior Vice President Government Relations | BAYAREA COUNCIL

About the Bay Area Council

The Bay Area Council is a business-sponsored, public policy advocacy organization for the nine-county Bay Area. The Council proactively advocates for a strong economy, a vital business environment, and a better quality of life for everyone who lives here.

Founded in 1945, as a way for the region’s business community and like-minded individuals to concentrate and coordinate their efforts, the Bay Area Council is widely respected by elected officials, policy makers and other civic leaders as the regional voice of business in the Bay Area.

Today, more than 275 of the largest employers in the region support the Bay Area Council and offer their CEO or top executive as a member.

Bay Area Council Mission

We are business leaders committed to working with public and civic leaders to make the Bay Area the most innovative, globally competitive, and sustainable region in the world.

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