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How The Government Shutdown Affects The Real Estate And Mortgage Industry

How The Government Shutdown Affects The Real Estate And Mortgage Industry

The government may have ended their shutdown moments before recording today’s podcast, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be prepared for future shutdowns. If you’re in the process of buying, selling or refinancing a home, you’re going to require a little more education when it comes to navigating these deals. Today Joe discusses the government shutdown and how to prevent it from delaying your transaction.

We live in a changing world that only ever seems to move quicker and quicker. As more information and resources become accessible to consumers, their needs and expediency begin to change. So what’s new in the market and what could be coming soon? In the second half of today’s podcast Joe will try and piece together the future of real estate and lending.

If you wish to contact Joe Cucchiara email him at, call (408) 838-9060 or simply visit We also provide additional information to help you make smart decisions in and around your real estate venture.

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