Homeowners: Learn How to Finance Your Energy Upgrade Projects
Today we have a great show – especially for those who are upgrading their homes with energy efficient options. Host Joe Cucchiara welcomes Jason Keller of CaliforniaFIRST, a financing program that allows homeowners to receive upfront funding for energy efficiency, renewable energy and water saving improvements for their home or business.
CaliforniaFIRST is a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program administered by Renew Financial, an Oakland-based clean energy finance company that specializes in affordable financing for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. This innovative form of financing was created by state and local governments to encourage energy and water efficiency while also creating jobs. Jason will discuss the eligible upgrades for homeowners and how to become a CaliforniaFIRST trusted contractor!
Join the discussion by calling 1.800.516.1220 – and turn that dial to AM 1220 KDOW (www.kdow.biz) from 3-4pm PST. TEXT your questions to 408.838.9060 during the show…and please know how much we appreciate your support, your feedback and your ideas for engaging conversations on Real Estate Radio LIVE!
Learn more about CaliforniaFIRST by visiting their website at www.californiafirst.org.