Financial Planning and You: An Interview with Stephen F Lovell
We are please and proud to have Stephen F Lovell of Lovell Wealth Legacy as our special guest today! Stephen is a nationally recognized retirement expert and Financial Planner. He is also the host of his own radio show on KDOW!!! His mission is to help you preserve and protect your financial future for your retirement and for future generations. Tune into AM 1220 KDOW from 3-4pm; you can also listen streaming online at
Joe and Stephen will start the show off discussing just what a Financial Planner is and how Stephen chose that as his career passion. They will then drill down into Stephen’s own unique approach to serving his clients and offering them the best possible expertise for planning all aspects of their retirement.
Learn more about Stephen at: and be sure to call with your questions during the show: 1.800.516.1220. Turn that dial to AM 1220 KDOW from 3-4pm PST or listen streaming online at
Stephen F. Lovell
Heard Saturdays and Sundays on KDOW radio, 1220 AM
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