Disputes Can & Do Happen: Attorney Jeff B. Hare Shares 5 Secrets To Keep Legal Costs Under Control
Whether you are talking real estate matters, business decisions or even family dinner with your teenagers – most of us would prefer to avoid conflict whenever possible! But in reality, and especially in real estate, there are times when disputes will occur – and instances where they will need some advanced assistance. Today on Real Estate Radio LIVE, Host Joe Cucchiara welcomes back Attorney Jeffrey B. Hare to provide some perspective on what happens when legal help may be needed, and how to manage the costs before they spiral out of control. As a real estate lawyer, mediator and professor, Jeff is more than prepared to tell us what disturbing trends he is seeing, and his five secrets to cost control. Tune in and join the discussion from 3-4pm PST on AM 1220 KDOW, listen streaming online at www.kdow.biz and call 1.800.516.1220 during the show!
Joe will ask Jeff to start our program by explaining the most common types of disputes in the market today – and which are the result of unintentional homeowner & investor errors. From not reading the fine print, to using your real estate agent for legal guidance, there are a few tips of the trade when it comes to managing expectations and making important decisions. Other common areas of conflict arise between co-owners & partners, between customers & contractors and among condominium communities.
After that…be sure to stay tuned as Jeff reveals his 5 secrets to help save on those legal costs…including the most important one at the end of the list, which may surprise you, make you giggle…and work for you in other situations too! As always, our good friend Jeff brings a dose of reality riddled with exceptional advice & humor – so be sure to tune in TODAY from 3-4pm PST on AM 1220 KDOW.
Learn more about Jeff’s practice and check out his helpful articles at: http://www.jeffreyhare.com/

Client-focused, Outcome-oriented Attorney for the Real Estate Investor. Real Estate Broker, Real Estate Investment, Land Use Law, LLC Formation, Self-directed IRAs, Mediation.