RERL-1618-Rates Drop! Buyers & Sellers on the Move!
Rates have dropped big time on jumbo financing the last couple weeks and my drop even more. Rates are now under 4% and anyone with a rate of 4.5% or higher could save a serious chunk of change with a low to no cost refinance. This opportunity could easily vanish should the rates jump in the near future so figure out if a refinance or different program is right for you!
Buyers and sellers are on the move! Spring is around the corner and the first week of April is historically when the market starts picking up. If you are thinking about buying or selling in the 90 days you may want to reconsider and accelerate your decision. Buyers can benefit by taking advantage of lower rate and sellers can increase their chances of a better deal before more inventory hits the market. Today Joe explains why now is a great time for buyers and sellers.
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