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Location, Location. Location. By Land Or By Sea – Is Multiple Homeownership For Me?!

Location, Location. Location. By Land Or By Sea – Is Multiple Homeownership For Me?!

If summer has you dreaming of lands both near and far…you are not alone! This week on Real Estate Radio LIVE, we are excited to bring you a brand NEW topic in which we address the ‘why’s’ of multiple home ownership – including the pros and cons of “onshore” and “off-shore” real estate holdings.

While many of us think that purchasing multiple properties is only for investment aspirations, there are many who believe there is value in owning more than one personal residence. This week, our program will dive into the reasons why many individuals have so many personal homes, and why they are not exclusively income properties (although some of their properties may spin off some income, particularly when you are speaking about desirable vacation locations).

From practical perspectives to the un-explainable realities, we’ll attempt to answer everything you ever wanted (and needed) to know about owning land near and far…and just for you! The, later in the program, we will discuss a family that owns 30 properties around the world…and doesn’t rent out any of them out!

Join us Friday afternoon from 3-4pm PST for an entire hour on ‘Location. Location. Location’ right from Real Estate Radio LIVE! Turn that dial to AM 1220 KDOW; listen streaming on iHeart world radio webcast or on

Cheers to home – wherever and however many places that may be!

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