Senior Spotlight: A Personal Story About Positive Change – Meet Jerry & Helen
As a Senior Real Estate Specialist® (SRES), we have had the honor of helping countless seniors transition to the right place, at the right time. That’s why when Helen & Jerry Lustig decided to make a move – they asked Bobbi to help them rightsize their home & lifestyle. You can meet Helen & Jerry today on Real Estate Radio LIVE! Bobbi will proudly welcome the Lustigs as they share their personal and prominent reasons for choosing a senior community.
If you have ever wondered how an SRES agent actually helps older adults, when you know the ‘time’ to move is right, or worry that downsizing means losing your independence – this is the show for you! If you have aging parents or know anyone who is at a turning point in the place they call home, please feel free to share this information.
Tune in today from 3-4pm PST to AM 1220 KDOW and text your questions during the show to Bobbi at: 650.346.5352, or call 1.800.516.1220.
*Special thanks to Jerry & Helen for sharing their story in an effort to help others create the best lifestyle for them!