Rules and Tips on How to Save On Taxes When You Sell Your Home
Are you having a hard time selling your home due to the taxes on the sale of the home? Today’s show brings back Byron McBroom of Measured Results to chat with Host Joe Cucchiara about the rules and provides some tips on how to save on taxes when you are selling your home. Tune in from 3-4pm PST on AM 1220 KDOW to listen, learn & join the discussion. You can also listen streaming online at
Joe start the hour by asking Byron what the tax would be on someone with a $2 million home that they bought years ago for $400,000. Then, they will head into a series of real time topics:
| Rules to qualify for a $500,000 exclusion
| Rules of Section 121
| Having more than $500,000 of appreciation
| Options with larger than $500,000 gain
Join the discussion by calling 1.800.516.1220 – and turn that dial to AM 1220 KDOW or listen streaming online at from 3-4pm PST! TEXT your questions to 408.838.9060 during the show…and please know how much we appreciate your support, your feedback and your ideas for engaging conversations on Real Estate Radio LIVE!
About Measured Results
We help entrepreneurs and realtors grow their businesses and profits while paying as little tax as legally possible along the way. Follow Byron McBroom and Measured Results at