HOA HEALTH: What You Need To Know About Governing Documents & Disclosures Of Condos, Townhomes & Planned Communities
Let me guess…you have found a condo/townhome that you absolutely love – BUT have no idea as to the “health” of the complex it belongs to. Or maybe you’ve identified a single family home in a planned community that you love, yet CC&R’s firmly guide resident policies (your roof type, paint color, etc.). Perhaps you’ve attempted to decipher the CC&R data…but the volume and details felt beyond overwhelming.
You are not alone.
When it comes to assessing a home’s value, the appraisal process serves as a second set of eyes. But who is going to help you measure the homeowner association’s value? How do you know if the governing guidelines include appropriate liability protection, if reserves are sufficient to meet the community’s age & condition or how existing bylaws are enforced?
Just ask Jacquie Berry, Owner of Community Association DataSource. As a truly well-known expert on the topic of homeowners associations (HOA’s) and the mandated disclosure documents, she is a highly-sought after speaker and resource to the real estate community. Jacquie is a member of the Executive Council of Homeowners and the California Association of Realtors.
This Friday from 3-4pm PST on Real Estate Radio LIVE, she brings her expertise and insights to ourairwaves just for you. Learn what to look for and how to avoid buying into a “pot full of problems” HOA complex.
Turn that dial to AM 1220 KDOW from 3-4pm PST, or listen on www.reradiolive.com.
ABOUT JACQUIE: Jacquie participates on several committees in the Common Interest Developments (CID’s) and the Real Estate industries. Jacquie is sought after as a teacher and guest speaker in the area of Homeowners Association Disclosure compliance.
Jacquie served several terms on the ECHO Executive council of homeowners Association.
Recently she was a guest on the television show “Silicon Valley Real Estate” hosted by Pat Kapowich.