6 Reasons For Low Inventory & The Renters Challenge
“Inventory manages to find a new low”. It seems to be the same story every month ?but why? One that Baby Boomers know for sure is being locked in your home due to equity. There are 5 more reasons that will make frustrated buyers want to tear their hair out today as Joe covers 6 reasons why inventory remains low in the Bay Area.
Changing gears it’s time to provide our renters with a few positive options. Chances are your rent payment in the Bay Area is pretty darn high and sadly it doesn’t get you very much. So forget about the fact that prices are high and inventory is low. It is what it is. Joe discusses strategies renters should consider if they’re ready to begin the path to home ownership.
If you wish to contact Joe Cucchiara email him at Joe@RERadioLive.com, call (408)-838-9060 or simply visit www.RERadioLive.com. We also provide additional information to help you make smart decisions in and around your real estate venture.
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