Posts Tagged ‘venturecapital’
RER-1751-California opening, and rates are going up. What will this do for housing?
It’s been happening for a while, but you could unofficially call 2020 the year people wanted to leave California. We saw the economy have a massive run up coupled with crazy low interest rates that made it too tempting to buy no matter the cost. Joe Cucchiara and Jack Russo team up to discuss how…
Read MoreRERL-1748- How Does the Election Impact Real Estate Investors?
As an industry, the National Association of Realtors is a strong lobbying body in Congress, but in one week, a new administration will take office. Regardless of the NAR’s power, many things will officially begin to change starting January 20th and smart investors will start planning for new changes. Joe Cucchiara asks Jack Russo what…
Read MoreRERL-1727-Growing Your Business – Litigation Finance – Large Growth
Go back 100 years and the law was against lawyers advertising and finding third parties to finance cases. Even contingent fees were scrutinized to dissuade lawyers from pursuing costly litigation. Though things changed in the 1980’s, lawyers still spend much of their time playing the role of peace maker as most cases cannot afford to…
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