Posts Tagged ‘rate hike’
RERL-1564-Rates are up, and it’s still a great time to buy!
Joe is tired of listening to media dramatizing the news just to get your attention. Rates are on the way up, but 5% on a 30 year loan is still historically good money. The truth is interest rates are not the only factor when it comes to whether or not you should consider buying a…
Read MoreRERL-1556- Buyers Alert! & More Industry Changes Coming!
We have not been in a buyer’s market like this in years. No this is not the same show you heard earlier, but Joe is encouraging frustrated buyers to get out in the market and take advantage of the shift. The mistake buyers could be making is waiting and hoping for the market to calm…
Read MoreRERL-1533- Brandon Picone and Anthony Hoye with Merrill Lynch
Most long time listeners know that on RERL we spend a fair amount of time covering residential financing programs. This time around we are going to learn about a more unique and different program designed for investor strategies. Today Joe finds out more about custom lending from Merrill Lynch wealth advisors, Brandon Picone and Anthony…
Read MoreRERL-1529-Home Buyers – financing options in a changing market
The market is changing and buyers are watching the mania settle down. Interest rates are on the rise and by next year we could be seeing rates near 5%. One of the dilemmas paralyzed buyers now face is feeling locked in by their low interest rate and not wanting to sell their current residence. Today…
Read MoreRERL-1518-Fed Raises Rates Again! What does this mean for new buyers and home owners?
Another rate hike from the Feds! While interest rates do not directly affect 30 year mortgages, it does impact home buyers and owners starting now. Today Joe answers three big questions everyone has following today’s rate hike. Specific topics include: How could the market potentially be affected? How does the rate hike affect current home…
Read MoreRERL-1507-The Changing Market & Data Privacy
Right now the market is hot, hot, hot for real estate technology! In the thick of this change you can find Hemlane CEO, Dana Dunford who is back in the studio and ready to talk real estate disruptions. Listen in as Joe finds out how Hemlane is helping consumers invest in real estate across the…
Read MoreRERL-1492-Are You Being Educated Or Sold On Your Real Estate And Financing?
Just because real estate can be classified as a sales job doesn’t mean it couldn’t be seen more as a relationship business. Chances are you or somebody you know has worked with someone more interested in selling something for the commission. So how do you know if the person you’re working with is educating you…
Read MoreRERL-1490-How to Increase Your Home Purchasing Power and Secure a Lower Interest Rate
There is so much noise out there in the market that it can be difficult to find information with value. Too often we seem to hear how tough the market is with no real solution being offered. So how do we arm ourselves with the tools to solve these problems? Today Joe offers solutions to…
Read MoreRERL-1489-Market Insights from George Papadoyannis
Here at RERL we consider ourselves pretty lucky to be connected with so many professionals to help us with things in and around our real estate. Returning guest and Ameriprise Private Wealth Advisor, George Papadoyannis, calls in with market insights on an important day and details about the new tax laws. Specific topics include: The…
Read MoreHow to Prepare and Plan for a Market with Rising Interest Rates
Some people might say it’s easy to plan for a market where interest rates begin to climb. As long as you have a good low fixed interest rate on your 30 year mortgage you’re all set to go. While this may hold true for many of us out there, there are still a few things…
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