Posts Tagged ‘prime’
RERL-1704-Bundle Select, Employee Real Estate Platform
Your wallet is under attack! There is a lot of noise out there with advertisers constantly jockeying for your attention that it can be downright tiresome before you even head home for the couch. Here on RERL you won’t find us selling you the latest craze, we believe in educating you on products and programs…
Read MoreIs It Too Late To Refinance & Why Not To Worry If You Finance Over $750,000
Rates just crept up above 4% in a trend that will most likely continue this year. A rising rate environment doesn’t mean you missed your chance to refinance your mortgage. What it does mean is its time to review your mortgage review to see if you have the right mortgage for you. In the first…
Read MoreMortgage & Real Estate Predictions For 2018
This Feds raised the prime a few times this year and 30 year money is still available for under 4%. Odds are rates will be going up as the Feds plan on raising the prime 3-4 times in 2018. Today Joe reviews current mortgage conditions and shares what he believes next year holds for the…
Read MoreAlternative Programs With Jeff Trevarthen
The mortgage industry is changing all the time with different things and different programs coming up. Whenever we start talking about new or different programs it helps to have an expert around explain them, an expert such as Jeff Trevarthen. Today Joe and Jeff discuss 30 year fixed alternatives and who the eligible candidates are.…
Read MoreThe Feds Raise Rates Again and The Future Of Real Estate Transactions
The feds are at it again… yesterday prime lending rates rose by a quarter point. Strangely enough, this is not directly tied to the mortgage market or your 30 year mortgage. Today Joe comes in and explains what this rate hike signals to the economy, why do mortgage rates seem to rise with it and…
Read More[podcast] Strategies For You in a Rising Interest Rate Environment
Interest rates are not going to stay low forever and consumers could use some education to better understand what they may want to do as rates rise. Expanding on yesterday’s video, Joe shares several strategies and considerations to help us adjust to a new environment with higher rates. Specific strategies include: Consolidating your 1st and 2nd…
Read More[podcast] Timing in Real Estate and Lending with Mike D’Ambrosio and Joe Cucchiara
Joe Cucchiara joins in as a guest today as he and Mike D’Ambrosio sit down to discuss timing and your real estate issues. Mike and Joe first pick apart a new Zillow study on the best month and day to put a home on the market. Do they think you should put any stock in…
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