Posts Tagged ‘new construction’
RERL-1700-Two Italian Guys Talking Real Estate-Out of state Investing
February is coming to a close and the number of homes on market remains drastically low. Buying a primary residence in California is difficult, but investing in a property here can be downright impossible. If investing in property outside of California has been on your mind there are a few things you will want to…
Read MoreRERL-1683- Two Italian Guys Talking Real Estate – Market Update and the Digital Experience
It has been a while since we took a look at the market and you might assume we would continue the steady climb to normal inventory levels we saw all year. You’ll be surprised that the number of homes on market has surprisingly shrunk to nearly half of what we would consider normal. Today Joe…
Read MoreRERL-1682-Two Italian Guys Talking Real Estate – “Silver Tsunami” iBuyer update
Most people are aware that the next big move for retired baby boomers will be to sell their homes and downsize. Predictions claim that the market, which has been incredibly parched in the past, will soon be flooded with homes over the next 20 years. If these predictions hold true, how do we prepare for…
Read MoreRERL-1673-Two Italian Guys Talking Real Estate – Rent Control
Rent is a big, big deal in the Bay Area where home prices are incredibly high. Starting next year statewide rent control officially takes effect and no one is quite sure what effect it will have on rent increases and home values till it expires in 2030. With so many big changes coming up its…
Read MoreRERL-1662- John Faylor Real Estate Expert
A lot has been gone on since the last time we had real estate expert John Faylor on the podcast. Just one year ago when we were used to buyers getting beat up it felt as if the market wasn’t ever going to let up. Today the market is more even and no one knows…
Read MoreRERL-1649-Things You May Not Know About Real Estate or Lending
As a professional real estate lender and agent Joe and Mike deal with things every day that even the wisest consumers may not know about. We feel as if it is our job to provide consumers enough information to help you make better decisions, but today our hosts go further than recommending you build a…
Read MoreRERL-1605-Two Italian Guys Talkin Real Estate- Pricing Strategies & Leveraging
The holiday season has finally passed and it’s time we all got back to business. Whether you’re thinking about moving once school is over or thinking it’s time to make that first home purchase, pricing is the biggest factor facing consumers. Home offers are picking up and while we don’t know if we will enter…
Read MoreRERL-1554-Carol Woodard – What is Interior Design?
Many people think they know what interior design is, but do we really? Interior design actually goes beyond color schemes and furniture planning, it’s about creating healthy environments for people to live and work in. Today Joe talks with interior designers Carol Woodard and April Viola about how interior designers help your space fit you.…
Read MoreRERL-1518-Fed Raises Rates Again! What does this mean for new buyers and home owners?
Another rate hike from the Feds! While interest rates do not directly affect 30 year mortgages, it does impact home buyers and owners starting now. Today Joe answers three big questions everyone has following today’s rate hike. Specific topics include: How could the market potentially be affected? How does the rate hike affect current home…
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