Posts Tagged ‘information’
RERL-1775 – Will ChatGPT Become A New “Employer” Due Diligence Tool?
The real estate market is slowly leaking air, and it’s not just in residential. The construction of Google’s downtown San Jose mega-campus was put on hold, and it might not be completely due to workers refusing to head back to the office. Google’s campus was expected to create thousands of new jobs and provide housing…
Read MoreRERL-1775 – Will ChatGPT Become A New “Employer” Due Diligence Tool?
The real estate market is slowly leaking air, and it’s not just in residential. The construction of Google’s downtown San Jose mega-campus was put on hold, and it might not be completely due to workers refusing to head back to the office. Google’s campus was expected to create thousands of new jobs and provide housing…
Read MoreRERL-1749-Boycott B of A, and don’t be so quick to sell your home!
Why boycott Bank of America? If your privacy is important to you, then you will want to strongly consider switching your account to a different bank. Bank of America has been sharing private information with government agencies about consumer spending habits in the time around the January 6th Capitol riots. Though it is easy to…
Read MoreRERL-1749-Boycott B of A, and don’t be so quick to sell your home!
Why boycott Bank of America? If your privacy is important to you, then you will want to strongly consider switching your account to a different bank. Bank of America has been sharing private information with government agencies about consumer spending habits in the time around the January 6th Capitol riots. Though it is easy to…
Read MoreRERL-1741-Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October may be the home of post-season baseball, Halloween, mountains of candy and our favorite spooky themed treats. However, the scariest thing that happens during October has nothing to do with skeletons, zombies, cavities, or the LA Dodgers winning the World Series, October is breast cancer awareness month. Anyone who has faced any type of…
Read MoreRERL-1741-Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October may be the home of post-season baseball, Halloween, mountains of candy and our favorite spooky themed treats. However, the scariest thing that happens during October has nothing to do with skeletons, zombies, cavities, or the LA Dodgers winning the World Series, October is breast cancer awareness month. Anyone who has faced any type of…
Read MoreRERL-1715- Growing Your Business-Too Big To Fail?
Netflix, Facebook, Google – These are all companies deemed too big to fail. Ideally these companies grow based on infrastructure with fixed costs and are not reliant on fluctuating employee headcount. Where business loyalty keeps startups from going under, strong revenue coupled with conservative accounting and cash management will keep large businesses afloat as we…
Read MoreRERL-1715- Growing Your Business-Too Big To Fail?
Netflix, Facebook, Google – These are all companies deemed too big to fail. Ideally these companies grow based on infrastructure with fixed costs and are not reliant on fluctuating employee headcount. Where business loyalty keeps startups from going under, strong revenue coupled with conservative accounting and cash management will keep large businesses afloat as we…
Read MoreRERL-1690-Growing Your Business – In The Face Of New Laws And Regulations
The New Year brought with it a bunch of new laws for California. Many of them will have an impact on business in ways that will generate more litigation down the road. Could the California Privacy Act go the way as the Americans with Disabilities Act? Today Joe and Jack take a look at growing…
Read MoreRERL-1667-“The Truth” about technology and Real Estate
The great thing about the internet is it is full of readily accessible information regarding real estate. It is easy to educate yourself about anything in the subject, but knowing what information is credible and which is not can be quite difficult to figure out. Today Joe helps us decipher truth from fiction when it…
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