Posts Tagged ‘granny unit’
RERL-1673-Two Italian Guys Talking Real Estate – Rent Control
Rent is a big, big deal in the Bay Area where home prices are incredibly high. Starting next year statewide rent control officially takes effect and no one is quite sure what effect it will have on rent increases and home values till it expires in 2030. With so many big changes coming up its…
Read MoreRERL-1566-Accessing Home Wealth Without Debt
Many people in the United States could be described as house rich and cash poor. Now that interest rates are going up there are only a limited amount of things you can do with your home, but new products are on the way. Today Joe welcomes back Steve Hotovec and Mark Rogers of Barastone who…
Read MoreRERL-1518-Fed Raises Rates Again! What does this mean for new buyers and home owners?
Another rate hike from the Feds! While interest rates do not directly affect 30 year mortgages, it does impact home buyers and owners starting now. Today Joe answers three big questions everyone has following today’s rate hike. Specific topics include: How could the market potentially be affected? How does the rate hike affect current home…
Read MoreRERL-1513-Rates Drop & Do Buyers Still Have A Chance In The Market?
In a rare move when the general trend has been up, interest rates take a significant drop. The results? Buyers on the bubble now have more buying power. Likewise, refinancers too now have another shot at taking advantage of all that equity. Today Joe looks at what could trigger you to take advantage of this…
Read MoreThe Legal Side of Renting Out Your Home
Bay Area residents are sitting on a ton of equity and it’s a good problem to have. The major drawback to all this equity boils down to capital gains taxes that keep long time residents in their homes or renting out creating a housing shortage. In studio with Joe today is real estate attorney and…
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