Posts Tagged ‘demand’
RERL-1536-Rainy Hake, EVP and COO of Alain Pinel Realtors
Where is the industry going? How is technology changing? What does it mean to the agent and the consumers? We have a lot of questions when it comes to disruption in real estate and the best thing is to have an expert on to tell us what is what. Alain Pinel EVP and COO Rainy…
Read MoreRERL-1500-Fannie Mae’s Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, Doug Duncan and SJREI Association founder, Geraldine Barry Help Us Understand the Economy and Housing Market
Truly understanding an economy can be tricky business especially when volatility begins showing up in a strong bull market. Today Joe is joined by Geraldine Barry, former founder and president of SJREI Association. Also in the studio is someone who knows the market better than most: Doug Duncan, Fannie Mae’s senior vice president and chief…
Read MoreReal Estate Market Update
When you are constantly dealing with a challenging market you tend to feel like a broken record… but you can never have too much information right? Today Joe and Mike help us navigate our way around the market discussing inventory stats and how much income you need to buy a median priced home in the…
Read MoreNavigating Multiple Offers In A Rising Purchase Price Market
Living in the Bay Area you know just how hard it is dealing with real estate when prices are constantly rising. Joe explains how to navigate real estate, lending and partnerships in today’s market, especially if this is your first time going through the process. Specific topics include: Understanding why prices continue to rise Can…
Read MoreUS Customer Confidence in Housing Hits All Time Highs
Happy Friday & Happy St. Patrick’s Day! If you have been waiting for the newest Real Estate Radio LIVE podcast to be released, this is your lucky day! If you have been feeling pleasantly surprised with the state of the economy – you are not alone. In this week’s Friday edition of the show, we…
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