Posts Tagged ‘advertisements’
RERL-1697-Growing Your Business-Compliance With Laws Part 4
At its center, a business has its employees and their consumers, and each of these have their own contract with the company. What many people don’t realize is a lot of business choices that are made based on those contracts as well as the latest state and federal laws that impact those contracts. California continues…
Read MoreRERL-1667-“The Truth” about technology and Real Estate
The great thing about the internet is it is full of readily accessible information regarding real estate. It is easy to educate yourself about anything in the subject, but knowing what information is credible and which is not can be quite difficult to figure out. Today Joe helps us decipher truth from fiction when it…
Read MoreInterest Rates Update and 30-Year Fixed Alternative Programs
A lot of marketing companies and lenders will intentionally mislead you with the promise of low rates with your only disclaimer being some incredibly fine print or unintelligible dialogue. As the saying goes “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.” Today Joe provides us with a true update on interest rates and…
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