Posts Tagged ‘land’
RERL-1573-Two Italian Guys Talkin Real Estate – Creative Purchase Options
The last few years Joe and Mike saw hundreds of buyers lose out on offers due to the sheer insanity of the market. Today the market is less steamy and hopeful buyers finally have some options in a market that has downgraded from fantastic to normal. Even if a consumer is a little short on…
Read MoreSingle And Multifamily Investing With Neal Bawa
Single or multifamily, investors are always looking for more education. Today Joe chats with Financial Attunement‘s President and COO Neal Bawa. Neal has made an impressive transition from technologist to real estate educator and investor and is here to share his knowledge with us. Specific topics include: Multifamily investing seminars and webinars What steps should…
Read MoreWhere Are 2018’s Best Investment Strategies And Locations?
Real estate is one of the most exciting and opportunistic investments you can make. One of the easiest ways to prevent your investment from becoming a flop is to educate yourself and formulate a strategy using a team of professionals… Professionals that can help you look outside the Bay Area for an option that fits…
Read MoreBasics of Investing with Scott Poncetta
Over the 7+ years of hosting RERL, it’s quite easy for Joe to say that real estate investing is the topic that gathers the most interest from our listeners. And if you’ve invested in real estate in Silicon Valley over the last 30-50 years, you could say your investment has turned out well. Today Keller Williams…
Read MoreSan Francisco and San Jose- Two of the Top Cities to Live In the United States
If you live in the Bay Area, there’s a good chance you spend a lot of time sitting in traffic wishing you lived somewhere that wasn’t inundated with other people. Of course deep down we all know we live in one of the greatest places to ever exist. With San Francisco and San Jose making…
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